To Kill a General

To Kill a General
The Audacious Conspiracy to Assassinate Robert E. Lee
Now Available
Born and raised in Southern California, graduated from San Francisco University with a Bachelor of Arts in medical technology. He spent several years at the University of Minnesota as a researcher in the Department of Pediatric Nephrology. Chris later owned and operated a funeral home. His first book, It's Not About the Funeral-What You Need to Know Before You Go was published in 2009. He lives in West Linn, Oregon, with his wife, Connie.

To Kill A General
The Audacious Conspiracy to Assassinate Robert E. Lee
May 20, 2022
General Joseph "Fighting Joe" Hooker crosses the Rappahannock River in an attempt to either crush General Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia or brush him aside and march on Richmond. During the ensuing battle of Chancellorsville, General Stonewall Jackson is mortally wounded by accident. Or was it an accident? This is the backdrop for a historical novel with a slight twist on history.
Genre: Historical Fiction, American Civil War
"My God, my God, what will the nation think?"
Abraham Lincoln upon hearing of the Union's defeat at Chancellorsville